Federal Budget Announcements – How your nation’s debt affects you!

In Australia, most of the media treats the federal budget announcements like a Christmas present hand out.  Only the federal treasurer is a bit less trusting than old Saint Nick.  He really doesn’t care if you’ve been naughty or nice.  But it’s sold to us like we’re a child desperately hoping we get a present, but deeply fearful we could miss out altogether. And while budgets generally aren’t that exciting, you have to realise how they are affecting the behaviour of a nation’s workers. You …

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Which Season are you in financially?

There are some laws of nature and life that just occur. Why they occur and how they occur is not so much the issue. It’s recognising that for whatever reason they work. Recently I moved out of the suburbs to a semi-rural property. It’s something my wife and I had spoken about for some time. And there’s something about being on the land that helps you recognise these laws at work in a different dimension. Just as there are four seasons throughout our calendar year, …

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The Problem of Just Wanting “The Secret Sauce”

For traders learning to trade, having “the strategy” without the proper mindset training is like having the secret sauce, with no meat or wholesome food to put it on. And yet so many people just want the recipe for the secret sauce.  “Just show me the strategy!” As one of my mentors used to put it, the strategy is useless on its own if people haven’t been taught mindset. Why?  Because eventually this will happen, they will face a loss and freeze like deer caught …

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Stepping into “The Flow”

Have you ever wondered what sets a top athlete apart in their sport? You know, the one that always seems to have that winning edge? Well firstly, we have to recognise the sacrifice they make.  What the average sports fan doesn’t see is the hours of training, the trips to the medical team to overcome injury, the long and meticulous hours of practice done well away from the limelight.  We just see the few moments of “trophy glory” without all the hours of discipline. They …

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